Confirm your phone number to complete your booking
Successful booking. Payment on the bus
The reservation is valid until the departure of the bus.
You can also pay for it online.
Payment upon boarding is only available in the currency of departure country.
If you decide not to go, be sure to cancel your reservation.
If you do not use your reservation, the ability to make another reservation for your phone number will be blocked.
The best experience ever had on a long trip got tickets from Chișinău to Prague on a really bargain 20 Euros (promo price) with dinner included, coffee tea included, the bus drivers where really good they drove carefully and safe. we succeeded to sleep almost entire road. Thanks SVS
Thank you
A fost o calatorie linistita si placuta.
Perfect driver.they have good character
Everything was fine.
Thanks for your service! ☺️
Didn’t make the trip
Everything good!
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Stilul de condus al șoferului era cam agresiv, în special în curbe, utilizarea telefonului pe parcursul cursei
It was mentioned when I was booking the ticket that bus stops in Odesa at Odesa Bus Stop, 58 Kolontaivska str.
But in real the driver was very suprised and said that it never goes to the bus station on the Kolontaivska street